In this blog, I sharehow to get rid of anxiety at work. If you are reading this, chances are you are suffering from stress and anxiety. Or, you know of someone that is having constant anxiety at their workplace. You are looking for ways other than medication to calm your anxiety.
Everybody experiences anxious feelings from time to time. Due dates, meetings, prensentations...some of us worry more than others, and excess worry can interfere with daily life. Always beeing in a constant fight and flight mode can lead to serious health problem. What is I told you that there is a simple natural and effective tool to manage and control your stress forever?
We are always looking to impress our boss to all the owrk we do, and with all the due date and pile up paperwork we need to do, its no wounder that our anxiety builds up. Working on the edge to do our best and to finish our projects puts us often in a fight and flight mode. This adrenaline rush passing threw our veins giving us these uneasy emotions.
- You worry a lot.
- You don’t know how to stop worrying.
- You are constantly aware of uncomfortable and dangerous things.
- You spend a lot of time analyzing your anxiety.
- You often try to dampen your anxiety.
Well, I'm happy to tell you that there is a perfect tool that you can use at work, that is simple and very very effect, This tool is the CPTG essential oils. These oils are specially blended together because its constituent chemical component has benefits to calm the mind.
As a teacher, I have suffered for several years with anxiety and through my years of experience I learn how to manage and keep my sanity at work, at home, as a wife and hockey mom.
After a car accident in 2009, and having constant pain for years, I saw myself having huge struggles and obstacles in being in crowded areas like arenas and groceries stores. I was tired of taking over-the-counter medication to soothe my pain and out-of-control emotions. I came upon research with essential oil. But not any kind of essential oils, the Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, kind of essential oil. What does that mean?...
Well, it means that this specific essential oil is scientifically and clinically tested at a higher grade than the minimum FDA standard qualifications. The purity of essential oil is its most important characteristic. When an essential oil is adulterated or contaminated, it becomes less effective and can even be dangerous. Above all else, purity for our health should be our first priority when it comes to choosing essential oils. It is important for your health to choose wisely where you buy your oils. Most essential oils in drugs store, markets, or local stores are adulterated and will indicate on the bottle to not take internally. Well with CPTG essential oils they are not adulterated and are at their purest form, from the plant.
The sense of smell is a tool that can elicit powerful physiological, mental, and emotional responses. Essential oils are quickly absorbed by smell receptors, which have a direct link to the limbic system in your brain, which is the part of your brain that stores memories and emotions. Some essential oils' benefits induce uplifting or invigorating effects, while others are more calming.
Now that you understand how important it is to use a good oil, let me explain to you how essential oils can calm your anxiety and manage your stress at work.
There are three ways to use essential oils:
1. Through smell. We call this the “aromatic” use of essential oils. This includes any application method that helps you experience the aroma of the oil. You can use essential oils aromatically by:
- Diffusing in an essential oil diffuser
- Applying a drop to your hands and inhaling
- Wearing as a personal fragrance
2. On your body.“Topical” application of essential oils allows the oil to absorb into the skin. Some ways to use essential oils on your skin are:
- Massage
- Apply to targeted areas and rub in
- Add to lotions or moisturisers
3. Ingesting, or “internal” use, of CPTG essential oils allows the oil to be transported throughout your body. Make sure the essential oil a CPTG and safe for internal use first, and then try one of these methods:
- Pour into a glass of water.
- Take in a veggie capsule
- Put a drop under your tongue
So, like you see there are several ways to use the oils, and can be use everywhere you go. They work to shift your emotion very quick so you can calm down and be productive and effeciant at work.
If you are looking to get this precious oils, well click the link below.

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